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Stern cleat mounting?

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:24 pm
by amytom
A while back I picked up a genoa but didn't have the tracks or standup blocks; for a test I mounted blocks on the aft cleats. It worked out so well I left them there, until now...

During a good blow a gust tore out one of the screws holding the starboard cleat. I used an impact driver to remove the other screw and an easy out to pull the broken one. When I got them out I noticed the fiberglass is not cored in that area and the screws were just threaded into the glass. Looking up from the cabin with the carpet pulled back there is a darker rectangle around the screw holes. Is this darker area a glassed in threaded backing plate or just the area that isn't cored?

I'm considering adding a backing plate and hardware in the cabin, just in case. Oh and of course install the tracks.

On the track install, I know I need to reinforce the wholes with resin, can I use six10 or should I mix up some regular west system?

Re: Stern cleat mounting?

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:45 pm
by thinwater
Regarding the coring, James Power question. I understood they were threaded inserts. Did the aft bolt simply strip out? Really, when you consider the sheet load can reach ~ 2000 pounds and it is doubled around the block, the force is ~ 4,000 pounds. Add the leverage of a cleat and the rising angle, if there was any corrosion you simply passed the strength rating of the aft bolt (it carries all of the load).

Regarding the tracks, mine are secured with ~ 6 x 3/8" bolts with fender washers spread over the length of the track and have been fine.

A cheaper way, if you don't care about looking yachty and don't use the slide feature:
* 1 1/4" x 1/4" x ~3' aluminum strip, one piece inside, one piece outside.
* 12 X 3/8" SS bolts. Acorn nuts on the inside looks finished. I mounted bolt hangers on the inside too and laundry bag nets from them; 2-for-1!
* SS climbing bolt hangers ($4 each) for each turning block; probably 2 on each side (gen and spin). Because the load is kept very low they are way strong.

My spin sheet is mounted to the back of the track with a home-made bolt hanger, simply because I didn't have a store-bought one on hand.

Bolt the sandwhich together and you are good to go. Also, if you move the turning block forward some you will likely get better shape and certainly less strain on the turning block. Aslo, consider adding a twing block for the chute, particularly when going deep. ... small.html