SSB rope antenna info

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Ed Ellis
Posts: 168
Joined: Mon May 17, 2004 10:48 pm
Location: Soldier Creek / Perdido Bay, AL

SSB rope antenna info

Post by Ed Ellis »

My rigger Rick Zarn (Pensacola) recommended using a specially designed rope antenna in lieu of modifying a backstay for use as an SSB antenna. He said it worked much better plus would be a lot cheaper.

The website for the rope antenna is:

phone: 954-815-8411

The guy that makes them goes by the name "Dr. John" (no, he's not from New Orleans, nor does he sing the blues). I was extremely impressed with his knowledge and willingness to share it in a manner that even a complete non-tech guy like me could understand. I learned more in 10 minutes from him than from the sum total of everything I've previously learned from hours of reading and conversing with others about high frequency radios... which really isn't all that impressive in light of how liitle I knew before our conversation!

Anyway, this guy is a terrific resource if you have an SSB or are planning on installing one.

Ed & Linda Ellis
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